Maxthon is a sophisticated browser that includes a lot of useful
tools designed to increase user comfort when working on the Internet.
The program includes a powerful system for working with bookmarks, which
allows you to save not only a link to the page, but also the content of
the page itself, and also offers a password manager (PassKeeper) and a
virtual mailbox (UUMail). In addition, there are such useful features as
built-in ad blocker, support for extensions, Private browsing, night
mode, developer tools, etc.
Key features of Maxthon:
Key features of Maxthon:
- Uses the Webkit and Trident engines.
- A powerful tool for saving pages in the cloud (infobox).
- Built-in ad blocker.
- The presence of password manager PassKeeper.
- Developer tools for viewing the page code.
- The presence of night mode.
- Support for extensions.
- Virtual mailbox (UUMail).
- Reading mode and much more…